Sunday 25 September 2011

Doodle Do presents (finally) the Mum to Mum Swap

Doodle Do's Mum to Mum Swap

New and used Baby/Kids's clothing, Women's clothing, Maternity wear, Vintage

Hey Mums and Dads!!
We're back on for the Swap! Due to a scheduling conflict we had to move our Swap AND we made a few changes too....

First of all, we've added Women's clothing and accessories, Maternity wear, Vintage and a line of baby clothing also!
It's a Mum Extravaganza!!! Single Ladies welcome too!!

Other changes...

To Donate...
Donating will be easy-peasy now. Just contact Sarah Wooldridge either through our Doodle Do fb page or at and I will drive over to your house and pick up the items on Tuesday October 11th between 6-10pm.
***Please have all your items cleaned and ready for pick up!!***

New Swap Rules!!
All items are $5/lb, except for large baby or children's accessories/toys, which will be just $5 flat.

We are located at LVB, 88 Ossington Ave from 11am to 4pm on Saturday October 15th. Side entrance on Humber.

music and beverages and snacks and fun

**This is a public event please feel free to pass this invitation along!!

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Get ready for the Mum 2 Mum Swap!!!!

Hello Ladies and Gents!!
It's Sarah Wooldridge letting you know that I'm hosting a new event through Doodle Do. It's Mum to Mum Swap for an items and clothing for children 0-5.

The crisp air and the change in weather is a perfect reminder that it's time to look at what your baby has to wear for the upcoming months. clear out the old and get ready to donate your stuff and come shopping all in one fabulous place.

Swaps are easy enough to participate in.  There are two parts, the donation and the shopping.

You can donate your items earlier in the week or on either day of the swap. Here again are the details;

Firstly, come drop off your freshly laundered and washed unwanted children's toys and clothes and others at the Swap location, *Hotshot Gallery, 181 Augusta Ave on Wednesday September 21st between12-2pm and Thursday September 22nd between 6-8pm.

Then return to *Hotshot Gallery, 181 Augusta Ave on the Swap days, which are Friday September 23rd and Saturday September 24th between 10-2pm, both days to pick up lots of great freshly laundered and washed items that have been passed down to you for a low cost

All small items $1
All large items $5
All leftovers will be donated to Goodwill

Come get new winter gear for your little ones
Clear out used baby gear for Mums in need
What goes around comes around...

music and tea and snacks and stuff

Saturday 10 September 2011

Hey Mama, why not host your own Swap? Here are some examples of rules....

Here is a cool article about swaps that I found online...

Clothing Swap Party Rules: Host Your Own!

One of the best ways to minimize expense and contributions to the growing piles of clothes in the landfills is to host a clothing swap party, or clothing exchange.   A clothing swap party is an informal get-together where people bring good quality clothes, shoes and accessories in wearable condition and agree to barter them one for one.  Host a clothing swap and everyone walks away with something they didn't have before without spending a cent out of pocket. So here are a few clothing swap party rules:

  • Everything should be washed, dry and in good repair.  If it is a dressy item, it should be ironed.  Small repair items like missing buttons are okay, and sometimes people will even swap things with broken zippers, but please don't bring items that are permanently out of shape, that have shot elastic, are stained or unrepairable, or that you wouldn't wear yourself.  I realize everyone has different standards, but I think we all understand what raggedy clothes look like.  Please don't bring those.
  • Shoes are fine, as long as they are clean and in good repair.  No nicked heels or shoes smelling badly, or stretched out.  Again, if you would purchase the items a certain condition then that is the condition they should be in for the swap.
  • Things like bathing suits, undergarments and socks are worn close to the body and there may be a limited market for these items in your group.  Some people are even squeamish about shoes, so please understand this going in so you don't end up offended.
  • High end items, and high quality items, often hold value well and are particularly prized at clothing swaps.
  • Make sure to clean out any pockets or pocketbooks before swapping.   It simplifies things later on.  If you have forgotten and left your library card in a raincoat you bartered to someone, it might be difficult to get it back.
  • Everyone has the right of refusal and it is not personal.   Please resist the temptation to 'sell' your stuff.  Just like browsing a store, the customer (swapper) has every right to not choose something belonging to another.  If you organize the swap well, everyone should find at something they like in another person's things.   
  • It's also okay to NOT do a one-to-one barter.  If someone likes something of yours and you don't mind giving it to that person, that's fine.  However, one-to-one barters should take precedence, in order to keep things as even as possible.  It depends on what your goal is for attending the swap.  If you just want to get rid of things, then that's okay.  If you want things back to take home, that are 'new to you', then bartering is a better method.
  • Items left over from the swap, unless the owners wish to take them back, can then be donated to a local charity shop or donation center.
It is pretty easy to organize a swap party if you follow these basic clothing swap rules.  Send out some invitations and  feel free to have fun.  Put out some sparkling water, juice and healthy snacks.  Some soft music on a CD player or IPod also helps break the ice.  I recommend inviting about 6-8 friends over and be sure to let them know what kind of clothing swap: men's, women's, children's.   Will there be accessories (belts, purses, shoes, scarves) included? Hosting a clothes swapping party is certainly an eco-friendly, productive and cheerful way of spending a weekend afternoon!   I love to swap my stuff!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Doodle Do presents: The Mum to Mum Swap @ *Hotshot, 181 Augusta Ave in Kensington Market

Doodle Do presents:
The Mum to Mum Swap @ *Hotshot, 181 Augusta Ave in Kensington Market @ *Hotshot, 181 Augusta Ave in Kensington Market
Friday September 23rd, from 10am to 2pm
Saturday September 24th, from 10am to 2pm

Donations/Drop-offs will be taken in at the same address, on Wednesday the 21st of September from 12 - 2pm AND on Thursday the 22nd of September from 6-8pm.
You can also leave bags/items at the door, at any time, and they will be brought in daily....
OR contact Sarah at to arrange for another time that suits you better


This is a swap for clothing, toys and items etc for children ages 0-5

All items $1.
Large toys, seats, swings, playpens, cribs, exer-saucers etc $5.
First come, first served.
Items desired by two or more patrons will be settled by a coin toss by uninvolved party (ie. me).
All left-over clothing will be donated to a soon to be chosen women's shelter. We will post the name of the shelter on the walls during the event.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Doodle Do and J'adore Festival present: "The Kid Hop Project with Lefspek and guest DJ"

J'adore Festival and Doodle Do present:
"The Kid Hop Project with Lefspek and guest DJ"
Saturday August 13th, 2-3:30pm,
in Kensington Market @ Hotshot (181 Augusta Avenue)

Come and chill w Lefspek and for a rhythm and rhyme workshop for parents and kids 0-10

***Kids are wholly the responsibility of their parents or guardians. Children should never be left unattended, this is a family event.***

Lefspek has been rhyming for over 20 years solo and with the Rhyme Travellers. Background in theatre at George Brown. He took improv classes in Toronto and taught improv to school groups in Barrie.

For more info contact:
Sarah Wooldridge